Apr 11, 2011

I Am Number Four ?

I watched I Am Number Four this week and it was pretty weird...

For those who haven't watched it yet it's about an extraordinary teen, masking his true identity and passing as a typical high school student to elude a deadly enemy seeking to destroy him. Three like him have already been killed ... he is Number Four.

I suppose it was a good action movie. Nice effects, powers and stuff, but the whole storyline bothers me. It leaves so many questions unanswered... That's usually works out great for many movies, but here is quite stupid... I mean a civilization that destroys everything they see (and possibly destroyed the planet of the boy) sends like 5 people to hunt down the last 9 of them... And that boxlike thing? I don't get it .. why would they even show us that if he isn't going to open it at all... Also how are these 9 supposed to stop the bad guys when their parents who, as I understood, had also abilities couldn't?
Anyways, sorry if you haven't watched the movie and I spoiled this to you.
The movie is worth watching and I hope they will film the sequel also!


  1. Looks cool, but I'm still not sure. Think I'll wait for it to come out on DVD.

  2. I've been meaning to watch this movie, it actually looks really good.

  3. Looks cool! Gonna watch it for sure!

  4. this movie just didnt look very good to me, but you give it decent praise so maybe ill check it out.

  5. Did you watched it four times? HA HA HA... stupid joke. sorry.

  6. thank you for recommendation will sure add this to my watch list

  7. Thanks! Going to check that out this weekend.

  8. mhh. ill check it out looks well written.

  9. This def looks like a good movie. I'd like to see it.

  10. Did not look good enough to go see.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Yeah, think I'll skip this one. Most action movies have just gotten to the point where they bore me and this one sounds like it's got quite a few plot holes.

  13. i really want to watch this! looks entertaining.

  14. i read the book, it looks promising

  15. ill be watching this one for sure

  16. standard michael bay shit, it was crap

  17. I need to see this! I recently saw Source Code in theaters, I would recommend that to anyone who loves action movies.

  18. Hmmmm It sounds interesting, but I'm going to wait to see it. No need to spend money on something like this. I love plots for movies and one that has lots of holes and covers it up by action isn't my kind of thing. Thanks for the review. ^_^

  19. Looked like crap, good to see I was right.

  20. Im number one, good rewiew my girl friend want to look at it and now i almost want to look on it whit her

  21. i've read other reviews, they don't make me excited for this movie. :(

  22. you said exactly what i suspected. and in significantly less time than it would have taken to confirm it otherwise. look forward to more.

  23. Great work! I love the blog style!

  24. I'm going to watch it very soon but I'm not really expecting a lot..

  25. yeah a lot of action movies nowadays is just pew pew pew no actual plot

  26. from the trailer seems to be cool, i'll watch it
    thanks for posting it :)
