Mar 13, 2012


And here I am again starting this over... I've been gone for an year, but I'm BACK!!! I've been
doing quite a lot interesting things the past year and I'm glad I can tell you some interesting

Stories. I plan to be updating every 24 hours with some new and cool stuff. Checking my blog is
extremely fun ;d. I'm doing quite the advertising here. I was introduced to 9gag that I do
not really understand, because for the months I was checking it daily, hot and trending, I could
see just the same jokes going over and over again without posting almost anything original and
entertaining. Most of the jokes were expressed with the help of memes made by other sites or 

some of the expressions of real people like Yao Ming or Nicolas Cage that I find unoriginal and
creative. Besides 9gag I also started playing Magic: The Gathering, a trading card game that
a lot of people around the world play. Since I live in a small country in Europe we recently got a
magic club build, but I will talk about this in sometime else.

I hope you start reading my blog again :)